Seafood Dujour07 2 servings


2 Snapper fillets – (8 oz ea); bones reserved
1/4 c Olive oil
1 Fennel bulb; cut in wedges
2 tb Shallots
1 ts Garlic
1 Good pinch saffron
1/4 c White wine
Juice of one lemon
1/8 c Pernod
1/2 c Quick Fish Stock or water; (see recipe)
Salt; to taste
Freshly-ground black pepper; to taste
3 tb Butter


Heat skillet over medium-high flame until it's nice and hot. In the
meantime with a sharp knife, score the skin-side of the snapper and salt
and pepper. Add 1/8 of a cup of the olive oil to skillet. Put the snapper
meat-side down, sear until you've got a golden crust then turn the fillet
over and cook 2 minutes more. Take the fillets out of the skillet and set
aside while you saute the fennel in the same skillet for 5 minutes. Set the
fennel aside and drain any oil from the skillet. Put remaining 1/8 cup
olive oil into skillet over medium heat. Add shallots, garlic, saffron, and
saute for 1 minute. Deglaze skillet with wine, lemon juice and pernod. When
there is almost no liquid left in skillet add Quick Fish Stock or water.
Bring to a simmer and add fennel back to skillet and continue to simmer for
2 more minutes. Put snapper on top of fennel, put skillet in a preheated
425 degree oven for 5 to 6 minutes. Remove from oven and put fennel on a
plate and snapper again on top of fennel. Return skillet to high flame and
reduce pan juice by half, remove pan from heat and add butter. Swinging pan
until dissolved and sauce has thickened, salt and pepper to taste and spoon
around fish and fennel. This recipe yields 2 servings.
Source: "CHEF DU JOUR - (Show # DJ-9569) - from the TV FOOD NETWORK"
S(Formatted for MC5): "07-19-1999 by Joe Comiskey -
Recipe by: Cheryl Smith
Converted by MM_Buster v2.0l.

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