Meats Oriental, Poultry 1 Servings


3 tb Cooking oil
Parsley for garnishing
4 Segments garlic; minced
Salt and pepper
1/4 c Yellow onion; chopped
3 tb Soy sauce
3 c Chicken broth
1/4 c Green onion
1/4 Head cabbage; thinly sliced
1 Piece carrot; sliced into strips
2 Stalks celery; sliced medium thin
3 c Chicken breast*; sliced into strips
1 pk Canton noodles


*add more meat if desired
In a deep saucepan put chicken with 1 cup of water, bring to a boil until
water is gone. Put cooking oil, stir for about 10 seconds then add garlic
and onions stirring occasionally until brown. Add soy sauce and broth, wait
till it boils then add carrots. Cover for 1 minute. Add 1 cup water if
broth is salty. Stir the rest of the vegetables until half cooked. Add
noodles and stir for half a minute. Salt and pepper to taste, garnish with
fresh parsley. Serve hot.
Posted to recipelu-digest Volume 01 Number 331 by James and Susan Kirkland
<kirkland@gj.net> on Nov 30, 1997

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