Meats, Eggs, Dairy Beef, Main dish 8 Servings


2 Bouillon cubes
1/2 c Hot water
1 1/2 lb Lean ground beef
1 sm Onion,minced
1/2 c Fine dry bread crumbs
1 tb Worcestershire sauce or
Celery salt
1 lg Egg,beaten
1 cn Cream of mushroom soup
(or cream of celery)
1 Soup can milk
Baking powder biscuits,
If desired


Dissolve bouillon cubes in hot water.Mix this in with meat,
onion,crumbs,seasonings and beaten egg.Be careful with additional
seasonings as cubes and Worcestershire sauce may be quite enough. Shape
into eight patties and place in a shallow baking dish,8 x 11".Beat milk
with cream of mushroom soup (or cream of celery). Set aside. Preheat oven
to 350 degrees.Bake patties about 15 minutes or until lightly browned,then
cover all with the blended soup mixture.Top each patty with the prepared
baking powder biscuit, if desired.Return to oven for an additional 15 to 20
minutes or until biscuits are nicely browned.Makes 8 patties.

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