Dairy Twelve, Chefs, Of, Christmas 1 servings


3 sm Ripe papayas
2 Pomegranates
10 fl Double cream
1 tb Icing sugar; (1 to 2)
2 tb Cointreau
Mint leaves to decorate


Trim both ends of the papaya and cut in half lengthways. Carefully ease
away the seeds with a teaspoon and scrape off the white membrane.
Cut the pomegranate in half lengthways, remove the seeds with a fork and
set aside. If the pomegranate is really fresh and ripe, you can peel the
outer skin like an orange. Remove the white membrane and pith.
Whip the cream and icing sugar together until light and fluffy, then stir
in the Cointreau.
Line individual serving dishes with some of the pomegranate seeds and place
a papaya half in the centre. Fill the hollows with the Cointreau-flavoured
cream. Top with the remaining pomegranate seeds and decorate with mint
leaves. Chill for a couple of hours.
Converted by MC_Buster.
Converted by MM_Buster v2.0l.

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