Eggs, Vegetables American 1 Servings


3 Matzahs; soaked and squeezed very dry
2 tb Currants
2 tb Chopped almonds
2 tb Chopped dried apricots
3 lg Eggs; separated
1/4 c Matzah meal
1/3 c Sugar
Grated rind of 1 lemon
1 tb Lemon juice
Kosher-for-Passover vegetable oil for frying


This is an updated version of the chremslach passed down in my own family.
I have never had a seder without it. A heavier version stuffed with
cranberries appeared in many early American Jewish cookbooks as Kentucky
1. Mix together the matzahs, currants, almonds, apricots, egg yolks, matzah
meal, sugar, lemon rind, and lemon juice.
2. Beat the egg whites until stiff. Fold into the matzah mixture, adding
matzah meal to make the mixture hold together.
3. Using an electric skillet or deep fryer, heat about 2 inches of oil to
375 degrees. Drop the mixture by tablespoons and brown a few minutes on
each side until they are crisp. Cook only about three at a time. Drain well
on paper. Serve at room temperature or crisped up in the oven. The fritters
are especially delicious with stewed prunes with orange juice as an
accompaniment, if desired.
Note: You can make these in the morning, drain on paper, leave out all day,
and crisp in the oven just before serving.
Yield: about 2 dozen (P)
Jewish Cooking in America Joan Nathan
Posted to JEWISH-FOOD digest by BNLImp@aol.com on Feb 17, 1998

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