Grains, Meats Jewish M, O, R, O, C 8 -10


1 lb Fresh green fava Beans (the big and flat brand)
4 Potatoes
4 Onions
2 Carrots
4 c Celery, cut into cubes.
8 Celery stalks.
1/2 ts Salt
1/2 ts Turmeric
1/2 ts Freshly ground black pepper
3 Lamb or veal bones.
1 lb Beef or mutton, cut into medium cubes 5x5cm./2×2"
10 c Water (up to 12)


Source: "Matamei Tsfon Africa" by Pascal Perets.
1. Peal the fava beans. Peal the rest of the veg. and cut into big cubes.
2. Cook the meat and bones with the water for 50 min. over medium flame.
With a spoon remove the foam from the top.
3. Add salt, pepper and turmeric and cook for another 5 min. Add the beams
and veg. and cook for another 30 min. until the beans and veg. soften. Add
up to 2 more cups of warm water, if needed.
4. Drain the liquids into a big bowl. Add the meat to it. Mash the veg.
into a paste with a fork or in a food processor.
5. Return the meat, liquids and veg. paste to the pot and cook for another
10 - 15 min. Posted to JEWISH-FOOD digest V97 #081 by eyal adelman
<eemcs@actcom.co.il> on Mar 10, 1997

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