Eggs, Meats Jewish Side, Dishes 1 Servings


1/2 c Carrots; grated
1 lg Onion; chopped
1/2 c Celery; chopped finely
2 Cloves garlic; crushed
3 c Egg matzos; crushed
2 Eggs; beaten
1 c Melted margarine
1 ts Salt
1/4 ts Pepper
1/4 ts Poultry seasoning


Preheat oven t 350º. Combine all ingredients in a large bowl, mix well.
Place a 20 inch piece of foil on a cookie sheet. Shape mixture into a 16
inch roll. Bring 2 sides up over kishka, fold down in a series of locked
folds allowing for air and expansion. Fold sheetends up & over again; crimp
to seal. Cook for 45 mins. Unwrap foil & cut while hot into 1/2 inch thick
slices. Makes one 16 inch roll.
NOTES : Can substitute a heavy 1/4 tsp. garlic powder for fresh garlic
Posted to JEWISH-FOOD digest by Njmallis <Njmallis@aol.com> on Apr 8, 1998

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