Eggs Jewish 1 Servings


1 lb Any type pasta, cooked and drained
1 Red pepper, diced
1 Green pepper, diced
10 Pitted black olives, sliced
1 lg Tomato or 3 egg tomatoes, diced (with juice)
2 Cloves garlic, minced
1 bn Scallions, sliced
1/4 c Olive oil
Salt and black pepper to taste


Two recipes for the "nine days": source: Carol Neuman - N.Y.C.
Combine all vegetables and mix well. It is better to let the vegetables
"rest" a while. Pour cold vegetables over HOT pasta and enjoy!! Posted to
JEWISH-FOOD digest V97 #208 by cneuman1@juno.com on Jul 4, 1997

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“I committed my life to Christ because I believed He was true and real and I had no idea what He was going to do with a mess like me.”

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