Meats, Eggs French Beef/veal, France, Ham/pork 8 Servings


1 T Butter
1 Onion, chopped
1/2 lb Ground lean pork
1/2 lb Ground pork fat
1/2 lb Ground veal
1/2 lb Pork or chicken liver, finel
y chopped
2 Cloves garlic, peeled
Pinch of ground cloves
1/2 t Ground allspice
Pinch of ground nutmeg
2 Eggs, beaten to mix
2 T Brandy
1/2 lb Bacon slices
1/2 urs. Let pate cool to tepid. Insert a board that, urs. Let pate cool to tepid. Insert a board that fits


Melt butter in a small saute pan and cook onion over low heat until
soft but not brown, 10-15 minutes. Leave to cool. In a food  processor,
puree the pork, pork fat, veal, pork or chicken liver,  garlic,
allspice, cloves, nutmeg, eggs,  cooked onion, brandy, salt  and
pepper. Divide the mixture in half if it does not all fit  comfortably
in the machine. Saute a small piece of mixture and taste  for
seasoning. It should be highly seasoned. If not, add more salt  and
pepper. Set oven at 350F. Line the sides and base of a 1-quart  terrine
mold with bacon, reserving 2 slices. Pack pork mixture in the  mold and
smooth the top. Cut remaining bacon in thin strips and  arrange in a
lattice on top of the pate. Cook the pate, uncovered,  ion a water bath
until done when  tested with a skewer, 1.1/4 to  inside the rim of the
terrine. Distribute weights on top and chill.  Serve pate from the
mold, and cut in slices at the table. The pate  should be made at least
48 hours ahead so that the  flavours mellow.  It can be kept up to 5
days in the refrigerator. Variations:  Pate de  porc solgnote (Pork
pate with Hazelnuts) Add 1 cup toasted peeled  hazelnuts to the pork
mixture. Pate de Pork Marbree (Marbled Pork  Pate)  Roll each chicken
liver in very thinly sliced pork fat or fat  bacon. Make pate mixture
without livers. Pack half of the mixture  into the mold and place
livers down the center. Cover with remaining  mixture and bake. When
sliced, the pate is marbled with liver  outlined in fat. Source:
Classic french Cooking  File

A Message from our Provider:

“Jesus: Because only the best will do”

Nutrition (calculated from recipe ingredients)
Calories: 464
Calories From Fat: 281
Total Fat: 31.2g
Cholesterol: 114.2mg
Sodium: 982.5mg
Potassium: 331.4mg
Carbohydrates: 21.9g
Fiber: <1g
Sugar: <1g
Protein: 22.8g

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