Dairy, Grains Mexican Mexican, Sandwiches 4 Servings


8 oz Cream cheese, at room temperature
2 Habanero peppers, seeded and minced
8 sl White bread -or-
4 Bolillo rolls
1 Red tomato sliced thin
1 Avocado, peeled and sliced
Thin ham slices


Bolillos are Po' boy rolls that are hard on the outside and soft on the
inside. The cheese needs to be at room temperature first and then you need
to mix in the habanero with a spoon or a fork. I don't like to use the
blender for mincing the habanero because I want to keep the little pieces
and I am afraid if I used it the pieces can be mixed too much. Build
sandwiches using all ingredients. Good variations: 1) For those who don't
like habaneros, use finely chopped chives. 2) Instead of habaneros, use 1
or 2 poblano peppers, peeled and deseeded. Mince half of the poblano in a
blender and cut the remaining into 1/4" pieces. Patricia Wriedt.
Recipe by: Patricia Wriedt Posted to TNT - Prodigy's Recipe Exchange
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