Meats Italian Garden2 4 servings


1 lb Lean beef stew meat; cubed
2 tb Soy sauce
1 tb Worcestershire sauce
1 lg Potato; chopped
1 lg Zucchini squash; chopped
1 Stalk Celery; chopped
1/2 Red bell pepper; sliced
2 Carrots; sliced, not peeled
2 Green onions; sliced
2 tb Butter
1 pn Parsley
2 Sprigs Rosemary
5 Brown Italian mushrooms; sliced
Salt and pepper; to taste


Place all ingredients in a foil pan, adding butter and sauces last. Cover
pan tightly with additional foil and place on hot coals or barbecue. Check
after 20 minutes. Remove when vegetables are tender and meat is done as
desired. Serves 4.
Recipe Source: Home & Garden TV -- Home Grown Cooking - Episode 120
Formatted for MasterCook by Nancy Berry - cwbj78a@prodigy.com
Converted by MM_Buster v2.0l.

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