Dairy, Eggs Can’t, Cook, Won’t, Cook 4 servings


250 ml Milk
1 Vanilla pod
3 Eggs
75 g Caster sugar
150 ml Double cream
150 ml Hot milk
200 ml Hot water
2 tb Caster sugar
205 g Raspberries; fresh or frozen
1 250 gram can sliced peaches in natural juice; drained
Mint sprig to decorate


1 Start by preparing the custard. Place the milk into a pan and gently
heat. Split open the vanilla pod and scrape out the seeds and add to the
2 Separate the eggs and place the whites in a large bowl and set aside.
Place the yolks into a medium bowl and stir in the sugar.
3 Pour over the warmed milk. Lightly whisk together and return to the pan.
Heat until thickened.
4 In a saute pan, pour in the hot milk and hot water, and gently bring to
the boil. Using an electric whisk, whisk the egg whites to soft peaks.
5 Continue whisking, gradually adding 2 tbsp caster sugar until it forms a
stiff glossy mixture.
6 Remove the custard from the heat and stir in the double cream. Transfer
the custard to a jug and set aside.
7 Using 2 dsp and a bowl of hot water, shape the meringues into quenelles.
Carefully place three into the simmering liquid and poach for a minute each
8 Remove from the liquid and drain on a plate lined with kitchen paper.
Keep six whole raspberries for decoration and put the rest into a sieve set
on a bowl. Mash with a fork, pushing through a sieve. Discard the pips.
9 Flood a shallow serving dish with custard and drizzle over the raspberry
sauce. With a skewer make swirls in the custard. Arrange six peaches in the
custard and place the meringues in the centre. Decorate with the reserved
raspberries and a mint sprig.
Converted by MC_Buster.
Recipe by: Can't Cook Won't Cook
Converted by MM_Buster v2.0l.

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