Dairy, Eggs Dessert 12 Servings


4 c Milk
4 Eggs, beaten
2 c Sugar
1/2 t Salt
2 c Heavy cream
2 T Vanilla


From: hz225wu@unidui.uni-duisburg.de (Micaela Pantke)  Date: Thu, 12
Aug 93 09:33:44 +0200 (collection)  From: connally@vms.cis.pitt.edu
(Kate Connally) Source: "Howard  Johnson's Presents Old Time Ice Cream
Soda Fountain Recipes or How to  Make a Soda Fountain Pay" (originally
published in 1903)  Prepare sliced peaches or strawberries and sprinkle
with sugar and  allow to set until the make juice.  Use enough fruit to
make about 1  qt.  of fruit puree.  Put fruit and juice into blender
and coarsely  puree.  You should have about 1 blender full or about 1
qt. Add fruit  puree to the custard mixture which has been cooled or
chilled  overnight in the refrigerator. (I always make the custard the
day  before and put in refrigerator. I prepare the fruit and let it sit
overnight in the refrigerator as well.) This recipe assumes you have  a
1 gallon freezer. The freezer can should never be filled more that  3/4
full because the ice cream expands as it freezes and it will  overflow
if the can is too full.  You can also make raspberry ice cream but
don't use as many  raspberries (probably 2 cups of puree is enough) as
they have a much  more intense flavor.  Actually you can add just about
any fruit you would like to try but  these are all the ones I have
tried.  REC.FOOD.RECIPES ARCHIVES  /DESSERTS  From rec.food.cooking
archives.  Downloaded from Glen's MM Recipe  Archive,

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Nutrition (calculated from recipe ingredients)
Calories: 268
Calories From Fat: 93
Total Fat: 10.6g
Cholesterol: 95.8mg
Sodium: 166.9mg
Potassium: 155.7mg
Carbohydrates: 38.2g
Fiber: 0g
Sugar: 37.7g
Protein: 5.2g

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