Import 6 Servings


10 lg Ripe Peaches
1 lb Granulated sugar
2 1/2 pt Water
1 Vanilla pod
1 lb Raspberries
7 oz Caster sugar


Put the granulated sugar into a saucepan large enough to hold the peaches.
Add the water and the vanilla pod and bring to the boil, gently to begin
with, stirring until the sugar dissolves. When simmering put in the
peaches. Bring back to simmering point and very gently poach for 8 minutes.
Remove the peaches and peel while still warm. The syrup can be bottled and
used t o poach other fruits. Put the peaches in a beautiful glass dish and
Liquidise the raspberries with the caster sugar and pass through a sieve if
you wish to get rid of the pips. When ready to eat, pour the red puree over
the succulent peaches. Decorate with mint leaves dragged through icing
formatted by suechef@sover.net
Recipe by: Two Fat Ladies #FL1A03
Posted to MC-Recipe Digest V1 #797 by Sue <suechef@sover.net> on Sep 22,

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