Dairy, Eggs 1 Servings


1 c Soft boiled rice
1 pt Milk
1 c Sugar
3 Eggs
1 Piece of butter the size of an egg


Continuing the Rice Pudding thread (have you noticed, I just keeeeep
gooooing). I found these very old versions in a little book I have called
Cooking for the Cause (the "War of Northern Aggression" :-), in case you
didn't know). Writen by Patricia Mitchell, it is among many published by
the Sims-Mitchell House B&B in Chatham, VA. They, in turn reference the
1863 Confederate Receipt Book. Earlier I posted the version that included
raisins which would have pleased USG.
Even in the midst of deprivation, Southerners managed to somewhat appease
their sweet tooth, Useful rice made a wholesome dessert, said to have been
a favorite of Ulysses S. (Grant! South of the Mason-Dixon line this is how
the dish was prepared:
"Take one cup of soft boiled rice, a pint of milk,'a cup of sugar, three
eggs, and a piece of butter the size of an egg. Serve with sauce"
Both are from: Confederate Receipt Book; a Compilation of Over one Hundred
Receipts Adapted to the Times, West and Johnston, Richmond, VA, 1963,
reprinted by the University of Georgia Press, Athens, 1960.
Posted to EAT-L Digest 07 Jan 97
From:    Lou Parris <lbparris@EARTHLINK.NET>
Date:    Tue, 7 Jan 1997 22:45:51 -0600

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