Japanese Text, File 1 Serving



Meat Analogs (Meat Alternatives)
Meat analogs are non-meat foods made from soy protein or tofu, and other
ingredients mixed together to simulate various kinds of meat. Meat
analogs are sold as frozen, canned or dried foods. Usually, they can be
used the same way as the foods they replace. With so many different meat
analogs available to consumers, the nutritional value of these foods
varies considerably. Generally they are lower in fat, but read the label
to be certain. Meat analogs made from soybeans are excellent sources of
protein, iron and B vitamins.
Miso is a rich, salty condiment that characterizes the essence of
Japanese cooking. The Japanese make miso soup and use it to flavor a
variety of foods. Miso, a smooth paste, is made from soybeans and a
grain such as rice, plus salt and a mold culture, and then aged in cedar
vats for one to three years. Miso should be refrigerated. Use miso to
flavor soups, sauces, dressings, marinades and pâtés.
Natto is made of fermented, cooked whole soybeans. Because the
fermentation process breaks down the beans' complex proteins, natto is
more easily digested than whole soybeans. It has a sticky, viscous
coating with a cheesy texture. In Asian countries natto traditionally is
served as a topping for rice, in miso soups, and is used with
vegetables. Natto can be found in Asian and natural food stores.
Nondairy (Soy) Frozen Desserts
Nondairy frozen desserts are made from soymilk or soy yogurt. Soy ice
cream is one of the most popular desserts. Soy ice cream can be found in
natural food stores.
Okara is a pulp fiber byproduct of soymilk. It has less protein than a
whole soybean, but the protein remaining is of high quality. Okara can
be baked (tastes similar to coconut) and can be added as fiber to
granola and cookies. Okara has also been made into sausage. Look for
okara in natural food stores.
Soy Cheese & Soy Yogurt
Soy cheese and yogurt are made from soymilk. Its creamy texture makes it
an easy substitute for sour cream or cream cheese. Soy yogurt can be
found in variety of flavors in natural foods stores.
Soy Flour & Grits
Soy flour is made from roasted soybeans ground into a fine powder. There
are two kinds of soy flour available: * Natural or full-fat soy flour
contains the natural oils found in the soybean. * Defatted soy flour has
the oils removed during processing.
Both kinds of soy flour give a protein boost to recipes. However,
defatted soy flour is an even more concentrated source of protein than
full-fat soy flour. Both flours should be refrigerated. Although soy
flour is not used much in our homes today, it is used extensively by the
food industry. Replace 1/4 to 1/2 the flour with soy flour in recipes
for muffins, cakes, cookies, pancakes and quick breads. Soy flour is
gluten-free so yeast-raised breads made with soy flour are more dense in
texture. Soy flour can be found in natural food stores and the natural
food section of some supermarkets.
Soy Grits
Soy grits are similar to soy flour in that soybeans have been toasted
and cracked into coarse pieces, rather than the fine powder of soy
flour. Soy grits can be used as a substitute for flour in some recipes.
High in protein, soy grits can be added to rice and other grains and
cooked together.
Soy Meal & Flakes
In processing, soybeans are cleaned, cracked, dehulled and rolled into
flakes. After removal of the soybean oil, the remaining flakes are
processed into various edible soy protein products and protein meal for
animal feeds.
Roasted soynuts are whole soybeans that have been soaked in water and
then baked until browned. Soynuts can found in a variety of flavors,
including chocolate-covered. High in protein, soynuts are similar in
texture and flavor to peanuts. You can find roasted soynuts in natural
food stores and through mail-order catalogs.
File ftp://ftp.idiscover.co.uk/pub/food/mealmaster/recipes/soyfoods.zip

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