Eggs, Dairy 1 Servings


250 g Plain flour
125 g Butter
1 Egg
10 g Caster sugar
5 g Salt
40 Water, approximately
6 Egg yolks
125 g Sugar
600 Milk
40 g Flour
1 Vanilla pod
12 Fresh figs


Blend the pastry ingredients in a food processor, roll thinly and  line
a tin. Rest in the fridge for 2 hours. Bake blind until done and  fill
with creme patisserie. Bake until the pastry cream is set and  cool.
Beat the yolks with half of the sugar until pale. Sift in the flour
and beat again. Bring the milk, the rest of the sugar and the split
vanilla pod almost to the boil. Pour on the yolks (not the other way
round). Stir, and return to the heat. Cook until a coating  consistency
is achieved. Pour into the shell and bake.  When cold, decorate with a
dozen fresh figs and glaze with a jar of  warmed and sieved apricot
jam.  DISCLAIMER© Copyright 1996 - SelecTV Cable Limited. All rights
reserved.  Carlton Food Network http://www.cfn.co.uk/  Converted by
MM_Buster v2.0l.

A Message from our Provider:

“God’s artistry: Half completed works of art look ugly. Wait till you see the finished masterpiece”

Nutrition (calculated from recipe ingredients)
Calories: 3038
Calories From Fat: 1258
Total Fat: 142.3g
Cholesterol: 1535.4mg
Sodium: 6366.7mg
Potassium: 1075.2mg
Carbohydrates: 400.4g
Fiber: 14.7g
Sugar: 157.9g
Protein: 52.2g

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