Meats 1 Servings


3/4 c Worcestershire sauce
4 tb Liquid smoke
1/2 oz Bottled garlic juice OR liquid from two garlic cloves
1 Level tsp salt
1/2 c Dark brown sugar
2 lb Lean meat
Course ground black pepper
Louisiana hot sauce; (optional)
1 shake for pussycats
2 shakes for good amigos
4 shakes for tough hombres


After eliminating as much exterior fat as possible, cut a beef eye-of-round
(London broil will do) into long strips approximately 1/3 to 1/2 inch
square (slice with the grain of the meat). (Deer, moose, elk, and caribou
are also fine, but use lean cuts and slice with the grain.) Mix all
marinate ingredients, except the pepper. Use the following formula for the
hot sauce:
19 shakes for snotty neighbors and former spouses
Place marinate and meat in a ziplock bag. Squeeze out the air and seal.
Place in a bowl/pan in the refrigerator for 2 - 24 hours (longer gives a
deeper flavor).
Line a large roasting pan with aluminum foil and place wire cake racks in
it. Spray the racks with a non-stick cooking spray (Pam, etc.). Lay the
marinated meat strips across the racks and sprinkle liberally with very
coarse-ground black pepper. Place in an electric stove oven for about 7-8
hours on the very lowest warm setting (I like 11pm to 6am). Additionally,
the oven door should be cracked open an inch or so to allow the moisture to
escape (a metal kitchen spoon does fine). Over-curing (drying) will make
the jerky dry and brittle, so be careful.
The beef in this recipe can also be dried nicely in a dehydrator.
This jerky needs no refrigeration for a least two weeks. After that, I
don't how long it will keep because it always gets eaten too fast. However,
I would use common sense. If green 'things' (literal interpretation: mold)
start growing on it, toss it.
1. Before slicing, put the meat in the freezer until just firm (2 hr.); it
will slice much more easily and uniformly.
2. You can slice the strips of meat thin and wide, like bacon, if you like.
However, don't make them too thin or they will be crisp.
3. An electric food slicer save time and gives a uniform thickness to the
meat. Be sure not to set it too thin.
4. Make a small batch the first time and see whether your taste will want
more/less garlic, salt, brown sugar, etc. The `heaviness' of the
Worcestershire sauce can be diluted with water, if need be.
5. Store in a zip-lock bag for freshness.
6. Be sure to cut WITH THE GRAIN of the meat when slicing!
6. Hide some if you expect to have any the next day. It will go fast!!!
Posted to recipelu-digest by LSHW <shusky@erols.com> on Mar 21, 1998

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