54 Servings


8 lb Klages pale malt
4 lb Munich malt (10L)
1 lb Crystal malt (40L)
1 lb Malted wheat
1 lb Wheat flakes (unmalted)
1 lb Dark brown sugar
2 oz Chocolate malt (uncracked)
2 oz Cascade hops
(I didn't have time to age
Them 3 years!)
1 qt Starter cultured from Chimay


Mash temp 158 degrees, pH 5.3, 1 hour mash, final temp 155 degrees. Mash
out with 1-1/2 gallons boiling water, resultant temp 168 degrees. Sparge @
168  degrees,  sparge water acidified with lactic  acid  to  pH  6.5.
Collect 8 gallons sweet wort. Add brown sugar. Boil for 1-1/2 hours. Add
all  hops  30  minutes into the boil. Cool to  70  degrees  (counterflow
chiller).  Pitch Chimay starter. Ferment for 2 months in a single  stage
fermentation.  Prime with 44 ounce sweet wort (from the  original  brew,
stored very carefully). Bottle, yield 6 gals. Original Gravity: 1.072 Final
Gravity: 1.014 Primary Ferment: 2 months
Recipe By     : C.R. Saikley
File ftp://ftp.idiscover.co.uk/pub/food/mealmaster/recipes/mmdja006.zip

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