Eggs, Dairy 1 Servings


7 Squares; (1 oz. each) semisweet chocolate
6 Eggs; separated
2 ts Vanilla
1 pk (8 oz.) chocolate wafer cookies
1/3 c Amaretto liqueur
1/2 c Heavy cream


Layers of Amaretto-soaked chocolate wafers and rich chocolate mousse topped
with fresh whipped cream.
Melt chocolate in double boiler over boiling water. Add egg yolks and
vanilla; beat well. Remove from heat and set aside.
Place egg whites in bowl. Attach bowl and wire whip. Turn to Speed 8 and
whip until stiff but not dry. Reduce to Stir Speed and quicly add chocolate
mixture, mixing just until combined.
Arrange half of wafers in the bottom of a 9-inch springform pan. Brush
wafers with half of Amaretto and top with half of chocolate mixture. Repeat
with remaining ingredients. Refrigerate until set, about 5 hours.
Yield: One 9 inch torte
Note: Instructions are given for the Kitchen Aid mixer but can be adapted
to any home mixer.
Source: Kitchen Aid Mixer Book
Posted to KitMailbox Digest  by J Pellegrino <gigimfg@ix.netcom.com> on May
16, 1998

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