Basic mixes, Bobbie – no, Cookies, Desserts, Holidays 36 Servings


Basic Holiday Cookies; * see changes below


Prepare Basic Holiday Cookie dough, with the following changes: Substitute
3 ounces cream cheese for 3 Tbsp. margarine; decrease sugar to 1/4 cup and
baking powder to 1/4 tsp; substitue 1 egg yolk for whole egg, (reserving
white for filling). Divide dough into thirds; shape each into disk. Wrap in
plastic and refrigerate until well chilled. Meanwhile, prepare filling:
Beat egg white until frothy. Mix in 1 cup ground walnuts and 1/2 cup sugar.
Roll out each dough disk to 6 1/2 to 7" circle. Spread one-third of filling
on each circle, leaving 1/4 inch border around edge of circle. Cut into 12
wedges. Roll up each wedge from edge to point in center. Place, point side
down, on ungreased baking sheets. Bake in 350 F. oven 12-14 minutes or
until lightly browned. Cool on wire racks. Dust with confectioner's sugar.
Makes 3 dozen cookies. MC formatting by bobbi744@sojourn.com
NOTES : (#) All cookies made with the Basic Holiday Cookies mix are marked
in this way for ease in finding in cookbook.
Recipe by: Family Circle Magazine, 11-18-97
Posted to MC-Recipe Digest V1 #873 by Roberta Banghart
<bobbi744@sojourn.com> on Oct 28, 1997

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