Seafood, Grains Sauces, Fish 6 Servings


5 tb Olive oil
2 Cucumbers, halved, seeded,
And sliced thin (peeled if
Thick skinned)
1 Medium red onion, halved
And sliced thin
Salt and ground black pepper
2 tb Red wine vinegar
2 tb Chopped fresh mint


Heat 2 tablespoons oil in large saute pan.  Add cucumbers; saute until
lightly colored, about 2 minutes. Add onion and salt and pepper to taste;
saute until vegetables just turn translucent, about 2 minutes longer. Turn
cucumber mixture into medium bowl; stir in vinegar, mint, and remaining
olive oil. Check seasonings and serve.

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“Romans 1:20 – God doesn’t believe in atheists.”

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