Grains Sami Dilly, Dines, Out 6 Servings


6 1 oz escalopes of foie gras
9 oz Extra fine French green
beans optional
6 oz Mixed wild mushrooms
1/2 Shallot, finely chopped
4 Artichoke bottoms
Lemon juice
4 Sprigs chervil
6 T Pumpkin seed oil
3 T Olive oil
1 1/2 T Balsamic vinegar


Cook the beans in well salted water. Drain, refresh and split into
halves. Cook the artichokes in salted water with a squeeze of lemon.
Leave to cool and cut in to wedges, 7 per person. Clean and saut the
mushrooms well and season to taste.  For the vinaigrette, mix together
the pumpkin seed oil, olive oil and  balsamic vinegar. Mix the beans,
mushrooms, shallots and chervil  together. Season with the vinaigrette
and place in a small heap in  the centre of a plate.  Surround with the
artichoke wedges and pour the rest of the  vinaigrette around. Season
foie gras and sear well in a hot pan until  golden brown. Place on top
of the salad.  Converted by MC_Buster.  Converted by MM_Buster v2.0l.

A Message from our Provider:

“God will let you get away with it until suddenly . . .”

Nutrition (calculated from recipe ingredients)
Calories: 148
Calories From Fat: 62
Total Fat: 7.1g
Cholesterol: 0mg
Sodium: 191.1mg
Potassium: 313.9mg
Carbohydrates: 17.7g
Fiber: 4.9g
Sugar: 4.8g
Protein: 4.7g

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