Grains, Vegetables Jash01 6 servings


1/2 lb Yellow lentils
1/2 c Chopped green onions
2 ts Seeded; chopped serrano or jalapeno chile, or to taste
1 tb Chopped garlic
1 tb Chopped fresh mint leaves
1 ts Minced fresh ginger
1 1/2 ts Good curry powder; or to taste
1 1/2 ts Salt; or to taste
1/4 ts Crushed cumin seeds
1/4 ts Crushed fennel seeds
1/2 ts Ground turmeric
Vegetable oil; for sauteeing
2 bn Young watercress or other savory greens; tough stems removed
(such as arugula and/or mizuna)
Sweet Garlic And Olive Salsa; see * Note


* Note: See the .Sweet Garlic And Olive Salsa. recipe which is included in
this collection.
Wash the lentils in several changes of water to remove any debris. Place in
a bowl and cover with at least 2 inches of cold water and allow to soak
overnight. Add lentils along with next 9 ingredients to a food processor
fitted with a steel blade and process for a minute or so until well
combined. Add 1/4 inch oil to a deep saucepan and test fry a spoonful of
lentil mixture over moderate heat until golden-brown on both sides. Taste
and adjust seasoning as desired. Store uncooked lentil mixture covered and
refrigerated up to 2 days. To serve: Heat oil and saute rounded tablespoon
quantities of lentil mixture in hot oil until golden-brown on both sides.
Be careful not to crowd cakes. Drain on paper towels and keep warm in a low
oven while finishing rest of cakes. You should have enough for 18 to 20
cakes. Place watercress attractively on plates and top with 3 of the warm
lentil cakes. Spoon a tablespoon or two of Sweet Garlic And Olive Salsa in
center and serve immediately. This recipe yields 6 servings.
Recipe Source: THE JOHN ASH SHOW with John Ash From the TV FOOD NETWORK -
(Show # JA-9766 broadcast 02-01-1997) Downloaded from their Web-Site -
Formatted for MasterCook by MR MAD, aka Joe Comiskey - jpmd44a@prodigy.com
Recipe by: John Ash
Converted by MM_Buster v2.0l.

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