Eggs, Dairy Good, Living 6 Servings


6 Trifle sponges
3 Eggs and 3 yolks
25 g Golden castor sugar
300 Double cream
300 Half fat milk
1 T Brandy or liqueur
325 g Blackberries or packet of
frozen mixed
1 t Vanilla essence/vanilla
3 Egg whites
175 g Unrefined soft brown sugar
Flaked almonds, toasted


Butter a 2 pint baking dish and spread the fruit evenly over the  base
- if using frozen fruit, defrost slightly. Sprinkle with brandy  or
liqueur.  2 Slice the trifle sponges and cover the fruit evenly. In
another  bowl, mix the eggs, egg yolks and sugar. Add the milk, cream,
essence  and whisk together.  3 Strain this custard over the sponges
and leave to soak in for 10  minutes. Preheat oven to 180c/350f/Gas 4.
Place the dish in a  roasting tin and pour in enough boiling water to
come halfway up the  dish.  4 Bake in the oven for 40-45 minutes until
the custard is set. Whisk  the egg whites to a stiff peak stage, add
the sugar and beat until  glossy.  5 Cover the top of the pudding with
meringue, sprinkle the almonds on  top and return to the oven to brown
the meringue. Serve straight away.  Converted by MC_Buster.  Recipe by:
Good Living  Converted by MM_Buster v2.0l.

A Message from our Provider:

“Life: the ball’s in your court. After death: it’s God’s turn”

Nutrition (calculated from recipe ingredients)
Calories: 5185
Calories From Fat: 34
Total Fat: 3.9g
Cholesterol: 90.1mg
Sodium: 213.1mg
Potassium: 2842.7mg
Carbohydrates: 243g
Fiber: 5.5g
Sugar: 232g
Protein: 6.7g

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