Grains American Dessert 8 Servings


2 c Cornmeal
1 c Seeded Bing cherries; fresh, frozen or canned
1/2 lb Soft butter
2 c Brown sugar


I think it is important to let our children know that not all Americans
have enjoyed sweet things in the forms that are so common today. This is
such a treat...a treat from the Indian community. It is made with truly
American food products, though we will substitute Bing cherries for the
chokecherries and butter for the buffalo kidney fat. We still have a dish
that is close to a wonderful Indian snack. The toasted cornmeal winds up
tasting something like popcorn.
Place the cornmeal on a cookie sheet and toast it in a 325° oven until it
begins to brown. Careful--this will not take long.
Drain the cherries well and chop coarsely. Mix all ingredients together
well and chill in the refrigerator. To serve, simply dish out by the
tablespoonful. It is eaten like candy.
From <The Frugal Gourmet Cooks American>.  Downloaded from Glen's MM Recipe
Archive, http://www.erols.com/hosey.

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