Vegetables, Grains, Dairy Vegetables 999 Servings


450 g Pumpkin
25 g Onion
2 Fresh chillies
4 Cloves garlic
50 ml Oil sprig curry leaves
1 ts Salt
1/4 ts Black pepper
1/4 ts Turmeric
350 ml Thin coconut milk
100 ml Thick coconut milk
25 g Ground rice
1 ts Ground mustard pinch curry powder
1/2 ts Lime juice


Wash the pumpkin and cut the top quarter off. Scoop out the flesh to within
2 cm of sides and cube. Put the shell on one side for using later. Slice
the onion and chilli and crush the garlic. Heat the oil and fry the onion
and chilli together with the curry leaves. When the onion is soft add the
pumpkin, salt, pepper, turmeric and thin coconut milk and cook until the
pumpkin is' done. Pour the thick coconut milk onto the ground rice, mustard
and garlic and add to the pumpkin mixture, stirring as it thickens. Bring
to the boil and simmer for a few minutes. Remove from heat and spoon into
pump- kin shell. Sprinkle with the curry powder and lime juice.
This recipe is from "A taste of Sri Lanka" by Indra Jayasekera. ISBN # 962
224 010 0 Copied by Carla van der Waal

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