Dairy, Eggs Welsh Cheese 4 Servings


1 tb Butter
1 lb Sharp cheddar cheese —
3/4 c Beer
ds Cayenne pepper OR
1 ts Dry mustard
1/2 ts Salt
1/2 ts Worcestershire sauce
1 Egg — slightly beaten
8 sl Warm toast — each


In the top of a double boiler set over hot,not boiling,water,melt
butter.Add cheese and all but 1 tbsp. of the beer.Cook,stirring
constantly,until cheese has melted and the mixture is smooth.Combine
seasonings with remaining beer and stir into cheese.Beat a little of the
hot mixture into the beaten egg to prevent curdling before adding the egg
mixture to the melted cheese.Stir to combine. Arrange 4 triangles of toast
on each plate and top immediately with 1/4 of the rabbit.Alternatives:Top
each piece of toast with a very thin slice of baked Virginia ham before
pouring on the melted cheese. Substitute boiled tomato halves,steamed
asparagus or broccoli,toasted English muffins or corn muffins for the
toast.Serves 4.
Recipe By     :
File ftp://ftp.idiscover.co.uk/pub/food/mealmaster/recipes/mmdja006.zip

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