Dairy Bawarch5 1 servings


6 sl Wheat bread
3 sl Thinly cut or grated paneer; (cottage cheese)
1 Tomato; 1 onion, 1
; cucumber, 1 boiled
; potato cut into
; thin slices
3 ts Green chutney; (ref. Chutneys)
3 ts Sauce; (tomato)
Butter to apply on bread
Salt to taste


Butter the slices of bread.
Apply chutney on 3, sauce on 3.
Place a slice, chutney side up on a board.
Pile and arrange few slices each tomato, potato, cucumber, onion and cheese
(paneer) over it.
Top with sauced slice, sauce side down.
Press down well.
Serve either as it is. Or roast in a sandwich toaster and cool before
Converted by MC_Buster.
Converted by MM_Buster v2.0l.

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