Dairy Kerr 8 servings


1 1/2 c All purpose flour
1/4 c Wheat germ
6 tb Polyunsaturated stick margarine cut into
; 12 small pieces and chilled in the
; freezer for 2 hours
5 tb Ice water
1 tb 2% fat milk


Sift the flour into a bowl and stir in the wheat germ. Pinch the margarine
pieces into the flour with the tips of your fingers until its completely
Pour in the ice water and mix the dough with your fingers until it sticks
together and forms a small ball.
Pre-heat the oven to 425F. Turn the dough out onto a floured board and roll
into a long rectangle, about 1/4 inch thick. Fold the bottom third over the
middle and the top third over that and repeat the process twice more.
Finally, roll the dough out into a circle and place a pie plate on top,
upside down. Cut along the outside edge of the pie plate with a sharp knife
to get the perfect sized circle. Roll it up over a rolling pin and unroll
it onto a baking sheet covered with baking parchment.
If you're making a pie top with the dough, you might want to score the
dough with serving lines that make the rust easier to slice after it's
baked. It does make a very crisp, flaky crust. Bake for 10 minutes.
Converted by MC_Buster.
Converted by MM_Buster v2.0l.

A Message from our Provider:

“We can do nothing, we say sometimes, we can only pray. That, we feel, is a terribly precarious second-best. So long as we can fuss and work and rush about, so long as we can lend a hand, we have some hope; but if we have to fall back upon God — ah, then things must be critical indeed! #A.J. Gossip”

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