Dairy, Eggs Greek Ready, Steady, Cook 2 2 servings


1 98 grams pac semolina
3 Oranges; peeled and sliced,
; plus
1/2 Orange; juice of
250 g Caster sugar
300 ml White wine
1 Sprig fresh rosemary
1 130 gram bag dried mango
250 g Bing cherries
115 g Self raising flour
1/2 ts Baking powder
1 pn Salt
1/4 ts Ground cinnamon
85 g Butter
75 ml Milk; about
200 g Greek yoghurt
5 Figs
250 g Mascarpone
A few fresh thyme sprigs
1 tb Demerara sugar
3 Egg whites
1 tb Cocoa powder
Chocolate sponge cake
150 ml Double cream


1 Make the semolina according to the packet. Pour into the dessert glasses
and arrange two sliced oranges on top.
2 Place 55g/2oz caster sugar and 3 tbsp water in a pan and heat gently
until the sugar dissolves. Increase the heat and cook until the syrup turns
to caramel. Pour the caramel over the orange slices and serve.
3 Heat together 150ml/ 1/4 pint white wine, orange juice and sprig of fresh
rosemary in a pan with the dried mango.
4 Simmer and cook for 10-15 minutes, until the mango is softened, gradually
adding an extra 150ml/ 1/4 pint white wine during the cooking time. Add the
cherries and cook for two more minutes.
5 Put the flour, baking powder, 15g/ 1/2oz caster sugar, pinch of salt and
ground cinnamon in a bowl. Rub in 25g/1oz butter until resembling
6 Add enough milk to mix to a soft dough. Knead gently on a floured
worksurface and cut out into rounds. Heat 55g/2oz butter in a frying pan,
add the scones and cook for a few minutes on each side, until golden brown
and cooked through.
7 Arrange the fried scones on a plate, spoon some yoghurt on top of each
and pour over the mango and cherry mixture. Quarter the figs almost all the
way through, open out slightly and place in a shallow ovenproof dish.
8 Put a spoonful of mascarpone cheese on top of each and scatter over the
thyme sprigs and demerara sugar. Cook in the oven for 10-15 minutes, or
until tender and golden. Serve the figs on a plate.
9 Whisk the egg whites until stiff, gradually whisk in 175g/6oz caster
sugar and fold in the cocoa powder. Slice the cake horizontally and put in
an ovenproof frying pan or cake tin. Pour over the double cream and arrange
the remaining sliced orange on top.
10 Spoon over the remaining mascarpone and completely cover with the
meringue mixture. Place in the oven and cook for a few minutes, until the
meringue is golden brown. Serve on a plate.
Converted by MC_Buster.
Per serving: 664 Calories (kcal); 37g Total Fat; (55% calories from fat);
11g Protein; 57g Carbohydrate; 98mg Cholesterol; 650mg Sodium Food
Exchanges: 0 Grain(Starch); 1/2 Lean Meat; 0 Vegetable; 3 Fruit; 7 Fat; 0
Other Carbohydrates
Recipe by: Ready Steady Cook
Converted by MM_Buster v2.0n.

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