Dairy Cakes 6 Servings


1 c Heavy cream
2 tb Fine granulated sugar (opt)
1 ts Vanilla


Cream for whipping should be at least 1 day old.  It can be kept in the
refrigerator in a sealed container for more than a week. Before being
whipped it should be very cold. In hot weather the bowl and beater should
also be chilled.
Using a well chilled bowl, or setting the bowl over ice, beat cream with an
electric mixer or rotary egg beater. As cream begins to thicken, beat in
sugar and vanilla. Continue beating until stiff. If not to be served at
once, place in refrigerator, where it may be kept 2-3 hours.
The Yield From A Cup of Cream Can Be Increased (with a very slight
difference in texture) by adding 1 egg white to each cup of whipped and
flavored cream.  Beat the egg white until it holds soft peaks. Sprinkle in
1 1/2 tablespoon granulated sugar.  Continue beating til very stiff. Fold
into whipped cream.
To Prepare Whipped Cream A Day or Two Ahead of Time: Soften 1/2 teaspoon
granulated gelatin (for each cup of cream to be whipped) in a small metal
cup containing a tablespoon of cold water. Set cup in a pan of boiling
water or over low heat, until gelatin dissolves and looks clear. Stirring
is unneccessary. Beat dissolved gelatin into the cream just as cream begins
to thicken.
Gelatin will also give whipped cream extra firmness so it can be used for
decorating with a pastry bag.
Flavoring Whipped Cream
To each cup of whipped cream, 1 of the following flavorings can be added: 2
tb sifted dark, unsweetened cocoa, 2-4 tb rum, cognac, or any liquer, 1/2 c
nougat powder, 1 ts instant coffee powder.
Fold flavorings into cream AFTER it has been whipped.
From: _The Art of Fine Baking_, Paula Peck, copyright 1961

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