Fruits, Grains, Eggs Sainsbury’s, Sainsbury8 20 servings


2 500 g; (1lb) packs luxury
; mixed dried fruit
1 125 gram pac dried mango slices; cut into 2cm
; (1inch) pieces
; (4oz)
125 ml Whisky; (4floz)
125 ml Drambuie liqueur; (4floz)
3 tb Water
1/2 ts Ground cinnamon
1/4 A whole nutmeg; finely ground
1/2 ts Ground mixed spice
50 g Walnut pieces; (2oz)
25 g Soft dark brown sugar; (1oz)
275 g Self-raising flour; (9oz)
275 g Demerara sugar; (9oz)
275 g Butter; at room temperature
; (9oz)
6 md Eggs
1 Heaped tablespoon apricot jam; sieved
2 tb Whisky or brandy
1 100 gram pac pecan nuts lightly toasted; (3 1/2oz)
1 100 gram pac whole blanched almonds; lightly toasted (3
; 1/2oz)


Place the mixed fruit, mango slices, whisky, Drambuie, water, spices,
walnuts and sugar into a large saucepan. Cover and simmer gently for 15
minutes, stirring frequently.
Allow to cool, transfer to a bowl or plastic container and keep in the
refrigerator for 24 hours.
Place the flour, demerara sugar, butter and eggs in a large bowl and beat
together until well blended. Stir in the fruits and syrupy juice.
Spoon the mixture into a lightly greased 20cm (8inch) square or 23cm
(9inch) round cake tin, lined with a double thickness of greaseproof paper.
Smooth the top and bake in a preheated oven 140°C/275°F/Gas Mark 1 for 3
hours. Cover the cake with a double thickness sheet of greaseproof paper
and bake for a further 1 hour 45 minutes, or until the centre feels springy
to the touch.
Allow to cool for 45 minutes in the tin then turn out onto a cooling rack
to cool completely. When cold, wrap in a double thickness of greaseproof
paper and foil and store in an air tight container. The cake is best kept
for 1 month before cutting or adding the topping.
For the topping, melt together the jam and whisky or brandy. Brush lightly
over the top of the cake. Arrange the nuts on top and brush with the
remaining jam.
Store in an air-tight container until required.
Converted by MC_Buster.
Converted by MM_Buster v2.0l.

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