Grains Health, Soups 6 Servings


10 c Water
2 c Small white or navy beans; soaked overnight
1/2 c Onions; sliced
1/2 c Carrots; chopped
1/2 c Celery; chopped
1 tb Fresh oregano
1 tb Fresh basil
2 c Spinach; coarsely chopped
Tamari; to taste
Parsley; to garnish


In a heavy-bottomed saucepan, bring water to a boil and cook beans over
medium heat until they are soft and creamy, about 40 minutes. Add celery
and continue to cook for 20 minutes. Add more water if soup becomes too
Add herbs and cook 10 more minutes. Add spinach, season to taste with
tamari and garnish with fresh parsley.
*Serves 4-6. See DIET FOR ALL SEASONS, by Elson M. Haas (Paperback - ISBN
0890877327 - Celestial Arts - 1995)
Notes: From Eleonora Manzolini's collection
>1998 Hanneman/Buster
Recipe by: A DIET FOR ALL SEASONS (1995) Haas & Manzolini
Posted to EAT-LF Digest by KitPATh <phannema@wizard.ucr.edu> on Apr 14,

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