Grains, Dairy, Meats Chili 1 Servings


2 lb Navy beans dry
6 c Heavy cream
6 c Chicken stock
2 oz (1/4 cup) peanut oil
2 c Diced celery
2 c Diced onion
2 c Diced bell pepper
1 c Diced jalapeno pepper
2 ts Garlic puree
3 tb Cumin
3 tb Chili powder
2 1/2 tb Salt
2 1/2 tb Pepper
2 tb Diced chicken
4 tb Tabasco sauce


Cover beans with water and cook until soft. Drain well. In small stockpot,
bring cream, chicken and navy beans to a simmer. In saute pan, heat peanut
oil, then add celery, onion and peppers. Cook until onions are clear. Add
garlic puree, cumin, chili powder, salt and pepper to vegetables, toss
well, and add to stock pot. Add chicken and Tabasco. Simmer until thick,
about 30 minutes. Re-season to taste and cooking with cumin, salt and
pepper. Pour into individual ovenproof serving bowls, top with mozzarella
cheese, melt under broiler. Makes about 2 1/2 gallons but recipe can be

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