Dairy, Eggs Choco4 16 Servings


1 lb Cream cheese
1/4 c Sugar
3 Eggs
2 T Freshly squeezed lemon juice
1 1/2 t Pooons vanilla
1/4 t Salt
3 c Sour cream
9 oz White chocolate, melted
9 oz White chocolate
12 oz Cream cheese, softened
3/4 c Unsalted butter, softened
1 1/2 T Freshly squeezed lemon juice


Equipment: One 8x2 1/2 or higher springform pan, greased and bottom
lined with greased parchment or wax paper; outside of the pan wrapped
in a double layer of aluminum foil to prevent seepage.  Cake: Preheat
oven to 350 degrees. In a large mixing bowl, beat the  cream cheese and
sugar until very smooth (about three minutes),  preferably with a whisk
beater. Add the eggs, one at a time, beating  after each addition until
smooth, scraping down the sides. Add lemon  juice, vanilla, and salt
and beat until incorporated. Beat in the  sour cream just until
blended. Cool melted chocolate and blend into  batter after the sour
cream is incorporated. Pour the batter into the  prepared pan. Set the
pan in a larger pan and surround it with one  inch of very hot water.
Bake 45 minutes. Turn oven off without  opening door and let cake cool
in the oven for 1 hour. Remove to a  rack and cool to room temperature
(about 1 hour). Cover with plastic  wrap and refrigerate overnight.
Have ready a serving plate and a flat  plate at least 8 inches in
diameter, covered with plastic wrap. Place  the springform pan on a
heated burner and move it around for 15  seconds. Wipe sides of pan
with a hot, damp towel. Run a thin metal  spatula around the sides of
the cake, and release the springform pan.  Place the plastic-wrapped
plate on top and invert. Remove the bottom  of the pan and the
parchment. Reinvert onto the serving plate and use  a small spatula to
smooth the sides. Frost and refrigerate until  shortly before serving.
Frosting: Break chocolate into squares and  place in top of a double
boiler over hot water (but not hotter than  160 degrees) on low heat.
The water must not touch the bottom of the  double boiler insert.
Remove the double boiler from heat and stir  until the chocolate begins
to melt. Return to heat if the water  cools, but be careful not to let
it get too hot. Stir 10 minutes or  until smooth. (The chocolate may be
melted in a microwave oven if  stirred every 15 seconds.) Remove before
completely melted and stir.  The chocolate will continue melting using
residual heat. Allow to  cool. In a mixing bowl, beat cream cheese
(preferably with a flat  beater) until smooth and creamy. Gradually
beat in the cooled  chocolate until smooth. Beat in the butter and
lemon juice. Before  frosting the cake, allow frosting to reach room
temperature and beat  again to ensure smoothness  Recipe by: Janet
Morrissey <janetm@online.magnus1.com>  Posted to CHILE-HEADS DIGEST V3
#, converted by MM_Buster v2.0l.

A Message from our Provider:

“Even when life may be difficult, we should thank God for all He does for us—which we do not deserve. #Billy Graham”

Nutrition (calculated from recipe ingredients)
Calories: 355
Calories From Fat: 308
Total Fat: 35g
Cholesterol: 134.8mg
Sodium: 244.6mg
Potassium: 148.3mg
Carbohydrates: 6.7g
Fiber: <1g
Sugar: 6.1g
Protein: 5.1g

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