Dairy, Grains, Eggs Cklive12 1 servings


1 Loaf Brioche; Challah, or other
; sweet bread
4 oz Butter; melted
16 oz White chocolate; chunked
2 c Milk
2 c Heavy cream
2/3 c Sugar
1 Vanilla bean; split
8 lg Eggs


Preheat oven to 325 degrees.
Cut the brioche loaf into 1 inch dice. Place in a 2 quart baking dish.
Drizzle with melted butter. Toss chunked white chocolate with bread cubes.
Combine milk, cream, sugar, and vanilla bean to a boil over medium heat
until sugar is disolved. Whisk eggs until smooth. Add hot milk mixture to
eggs slowly, stirring contsantly. Do not wisk or custard will have a great
deal of foam on the surface. Skim foam from custard. Strain custard over
bread and chocolate. Let stand for 10 minutes to allow custard to soak into
Place baking dish in another larger pan. Pour hot water into larger dish to
reach 1 inch up side of dish. Bake the bread pudding for about 45 minutes
to 1 hour, until custard is set and brioche is golden. Yield: 16 servings
Converted by MC_Buster.
Recipe by: COOKING LIVE  SHOW #CL9239
Converted by MM_Buster v2.0l.

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