Dairy, Eggs Desserts 8 Servings


1 Roll, 10" long and 2 1/2"
In diameter or the equi-
Valent amount of bread
2 c Heavy cream
1/2 c Milk
1/4 c Sugar
9 oz White chocolate, chopped
1 Egg
4 Egg yolks
Semi-sweet chocolate for
Garnish, optional


Cut the roll into eight slices; place on middle rack of a 250F oven
and leave until dry, about 20 minutes. In a saucepan, heat 1 1/2 cups
of the heavy cream, the milk, and the sugar over low heat, stirring
until sugar is dissolved.  Add 5 oz. of the white chocolate, stir
until melted, and remove from the heat.  In a large bowl, whisk the
egg and yolks together. Whisk the chocolate mixture into the eggs a
little at a time. Tear the bread into 1" pieces, add to the white
chocolate custard, and stir to mix. Leave to soak, stirring
occasionally, until all the custard has been absorbed by the bread, 1
to 2 hours.  Put the mixture into an 8" square, 2" deep baking dish.
Put the dish in a slightly large pan and add hot water to come  halfway
up the sides of the baking dish.  Bake the pudding in the  water bath
at 350F for 45-50 minutes, until the custard is set and  the top is
golden brown. Serve warm or cold. If you chill it, loosen  the sides
with a metal spatula and invert the pudding onto a cutting  surface.
Cut into four squares and cut each square into a triangle.  For the
sauce, heat the remaining cream in a small pan.  Add the  remaining 4
oz. white chocolate and melt.  If desired, grate some  semi-sweet
chocolate and sprinkle on top of the pudding.

A Message from our Provider:

“Only with Jesus can you reach your full potential”

Nutrition (calculated from recipe ingredients)
Calories: 297
Calories From Fat: 166
Total Fat: 19.2g
Cholesterol: 155.5mg
Sodium: 138mg
Potassium: 88.2mg
Carbohydrates: 27.7g
Fiber: 1.3g
Sugar: 8.4g
Protein: 5.9g

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