Dairy, Grains 1 Servings


8 oz Good-quality white chocolate; finely chopped
1/4 c Heavy cream
1/2 ts Instant coffee powder or crystals
1 1/2 tb Coffee-flavored liqueur; or coffee
1 1/4 lb White chocolate; approximately
1 1/2 c Hazelnuts


To prepare ganache: Place chocolate in a deep bowl and set aside in a warm
place. Combine cream and coffee powder in a medium saucepan and bring just
to a boil over medium-high heat. Immediately pour over chocolate, stirring
until smooth. (If all of the chocolate doesn't melt, place chocolate over a
bowl of hot water and stir until melted.) Stir in liqueur. Cover and
refrigerate for 4 hours, or freeze for 1 hour, until firm. Using a melon
baller or a teaspoon, scoop out small 3/4-inch portions of the ganache.
Roll each portion into a ball between your palms and place on a wax
paper-lined baking tray. Lightly cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate
until firm. To make coating: Spread hazelnuts on a baking sheet and toast
in 350-degree oven for 12 to 15 minutes, stirring occasionally, until
lightly browned. Remove from oven and rub in a kitchen towel to remove
skins. (Some flecks of skins can remain.) Finely chop nuts and set aside.
Chop half the chocolate and place in a heavy saucepan. Break the remaining
cho colate into large chunks. Over low heat, melt the chocolate in the pan,
stirring, just until smooth. Remove pan from heat. Working with a few
pieces at a time, add chunks of chocolate and stir. Add chocolate until
chunks no longer melt when stirred in. (This is tempering chocolate so it
will stand without softening at room temperature. If desired, simply dip
truffles in melted white chocolate and store in the refrigerator.) Dip
ganache centers in white chocolate, rolling to coat, then roll in chopped
hazelnuts. Let stand until set, or refrigerate.
Formatted and Busted by Carriej999@AOL.com 3/6/98
Recipe by: The International Chocolate Cookbook, Nancy Baggett.
Posted to MC-Recipe Digest by Carriej999 <Carriej999@aol.com> on Mar 7,

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