Dairy Italian Dessert, Italian 10 Servings


3/4 c Grand Marnier, approximately
1/3 c Granulated white sugar
28 oz 4 packages ladyfingers
12 oz White chocolate, chopped
1/2 c Whipping cream
1 1/2 lb Light cream cheese
6 T Nonfat sour cream
6 T Granulated white sugar
2 t Vanilla
3 pt Fresh berries, strawberries
blueberries or
raspberries cleaned
strawberries sliced a
mixture of these is


For a 10-serving scale use a 10-inch springform pan.  Melt chocolate
with whipping cream in small heavy saucepan over low  heat. Stir until
smooth. Cool mixture to room temperature.  In bowl, whisk cream cheese
with sour cream and chocolate mixture. Set  aside.  Pour Grand Marnier
into a shallow bowl. Pour first measure of sugar  onto a small plate.
Trim a ladyfinger to height of the rim of a  springform pan. Quickly
dip the cookie into the liqueur, turning to  coat lightly. Dip one side
into sugar. Place cookie rounded side up  with the sugared side against
the side of the pan. Repeat with as  many ladyfingers as needed to
cover sides of pan. For bottom of pan,  dip cookies in Grand Marnier
only, omitting sugar. Trim to fit.  Spoon half of the cheese and
chocolate mixture into pan, smooth the  top. Sprinkle with half of the
mixed berries. Top with more dipped  ladyfingers, covering berries
completely and trimming to fit. Follow  with remaining cheese mixture.
Top dessert with remaining berries.  Cover; chill at least 6 hours, or
overnight. Release pan sides and  transfer cake to a serving platter.
Garnish with white chocolate  curls, if desired.  NOTES : Reduced fat
version of cool, creamy tiramisu lightened with  white= chocolate and
fresh berries. Recipe by: =20  Posted to MasterCook Digest V1 #337 by
Bob & Carole Walberg  <walbergr@mb.sympatico.ca> on Nov 10, 1997

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Nutrition (calculated from recipe ingredients)
Calories: 450
Calories From Fat: 113
Total Fat: 12.7g
Cholesterol: 191.7mg
Sodium: 124.8mg
Potassium: 615.7mg
Carbohydrates: 76g
Fiber: 7.8g
Sugar: 38.4g
Protein: 11g

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