Grains Breadmaker, Rolls 15 Servings


2 3/4 c Whole wheat flour
2 c Better for bread flour
2 pk Yeast
1 3/4 c Water; warm
1/2 c Molasses
1/4 c Brown sugar
1 tb Salt
2 tb Caraway seeds
2 tb Shortening
1 pk Yeast
1 3/4 c Whole wheat flour
1 c Better for bread flour
3 tb Brown sugar
1 tb Caraway seeds
1 1/2 ts Salt
1 c Water; very warm
1/4 c Molasses
1 tb Shortening; melted


For Bread Machine:  Put the ingredients into the pan in the order given.
Select white bread. Choose high crust setting. Push Start. This is a very
moist cake-like bread, and one of our favorites. Makes 1 loaf. Scratch
Method: Combine whole wheat flour and 1 cup of the Better for bread flour,
yeast and Caraway seed. Heat the water, molasses, brown sugar, shortening
and salt, just till warm, stirring to melt the shortening. Add to the dry
mix.  In an electric mixer, beat at low speed for 30 seconds, then on high
speed for 3 minutes. Stir in enough of the remaining flour to make a stiff
dough. Knead the dough until smooth and elastic. Shape in a ball and let
rise in a greased bowl, until doubled. I speed up the rising by placing the
bowl of dough in the overn with the light turned on. Punch the dough down
and divide in half.
Shape in 2 loaves. Let rise on a greased baking sheet, until double. Bake
at 375 degrees 30 to 35 minutes. If you like the crust really chew, brush
the bread with warm water during the last 10 to 15 minutes of the baking.
Remove from the sheet and cool on racks. Makes 2 loaves I have made this
bread for many years. It is almost like eating cake! My husband said he
couldn't tell the difference between when I made this from scratch, and
making it in the bread machine. Shared by Barb Day
Posted to MM-Recipes Digest V4 #132 by "dtennant@spectra.net"
<dtennant@spectra.net> on May 12, 1997

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