Vegetarian Bread 8 Servings


1 1/4 c Warm water
2 tb Honey or sugar
1 pk Active dry yeast
2 c All-purpose flour
1 c Whole wheat flour
1 pn Salt
1/2 c All-purpose flour (this is used for kneading)
1 tb Cornmeal


Date: Wed, 3 Apr 1996 05:44:48 -0600 (CST)
From: Rita Zagrzebski <health@newnorth.net>
Combine honey and water in a cup. Add yeast, stir and let stand 10 minutes
in warm place.
In a large bowl, combine flours and salt. Add yeast mixture; stir til soft
dough forms. Place dough on lightly floured surface and knead in remaining
1/2 cup of flour until dough is elastic.
Spray large bowl with Pam and place dough in bowl. Turn dough several times
to coat top with the Pam from the bowl. Cover with towel or loose fitting
sheet of plastic. Let raise in warm place until dough is double in size.
Punch down gently, remove from bowl and start forming into shape of your
pizza pan with your hands or divide into 8 and start forming individual
pizza crusts.
Place pre-shaped dough on pan sprayed with Pam and sprinkled with the
cornmeal. Finish shaping dough with your hands pressing from the center of
the dough out to the edges.
After adding your favorite ingredients bake at 400F for 15-18 minutes -
ovens vary. If I put the ff moz. cheese on the top, I have to bake around
350F for 20 minutes + because the cheese browns too fast and gets hard in
the hotter oven.
Sometimes I add basil, thyme and oregano to the dough for added zip.
From the Fatfree Vegetarian recipe list.  Downloaded from Glen's MM Recipe
Archive, http://www.erols.com/hosey.

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