Eggs Breads 1 Servings


1 1/2 oz Package onion soup mix
3/4 c Hot water
1 pk Dry yeast
2 tb Sugar
2 tb Warm water
2 x Recipies Dry Baking Mix
1 c Sourdough Starter


Add soup mix to 3/4 cup hot water;let stand until lukewarm. In a separate
container, soften yeast and sugar with 2 tablespoons warm water.Beat soup
mixture and yeast mixture together with egg, 1 cup Dry Baking Mix and
Sourdough Starter. Stir in remaining Dry Baking Mix to make a stiff dough.
Place on a floured surface;knead until smooth and elastic. Place in a
greased bowl, turning to grease top. Cover and let rise for 2 hrs. Shape
into a round loaf. Place on a greased pan, cover and let rise 45 mins. Bake
in a 375 Deg. oven for
35    mins.

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