Sami Digest, Feb95 4 Servings


1 c Wild rice, I like Lungren's
Mix), Mix
2 c Fresh wild mushrooms
1 Onion, diced
2 c Mushroom/vege broth
Balsamic vinegar


~ put rice, liquid into a covered casserole dish and place in oven at
around 300 F.  ~ preheat a pan, add balsamic and immediately added
diced onions.  ~ after around 10 minutes add mushrooms to onions, turn
flame to  lowest setting  ~ when the liquid in the oven boils turn oven
down to 250.  When it's  around 3/4 absorbed (around 45 minutes), stir
in mushroom and onions.  ~ when liquid is fully absorbed turn off oven,
fluff rice, and put in  oven partially uncovered for another 15
minutes.  Serve with green vegetables like broccoli. This tastes
especially  good with some chopped walnuts added!  (Mushroom broth is
the liquid that comes out of meaty mushrooms when  you dry-sautee them.
I.e. put it in a pan and heat with no added  liquid. As the liquid
comes out of the mushroom, pour it off and  save.)  I used horse
mushrooms (relative of the button) and some rehydrated  Boletes.  Of
course you could do this with brown rice, domesticated  mushrooms as
well..  Source: apparent original  Posted by Ari Kornfeld
<ari@perspective.com> to the Fatfree Digest  [Volume 15    Issue 24]
Feb. 24, 1995.  Individual recipes copyrighted by originator. FATFREE
Recipe  collections copyrighted by Michelle Dick 1995. Formatted by Sue
Smith,  SueSmith9@aol.com using MMCONV. Archived through kindness of
Karen  Mintzias, km@salata.com.  1.80á  File

A Message from our Provider:

“Gratitude is an offering precious in the sight of God, and it is one that the poorest of us can make and be not poorer but richer for having made it. #A.W. Tozer”

Nutrition (calculated from recipe ingredients)
Calories: 38
Calories From Fat: 2
Total Fat: <1g
Cholesterol: 11.3mg
Sodium: 60.6mg
Potassium: 138.4mg
Carbohydrates: 7.5g
Fiber: 1.7g
Sugar: 1.2g
Protein: 2.1g

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