Dairy, Meats Canadian Goose 8 Servings


1 Goose; 6-8 lbs.
1 qt Buttermilk
8 oz Prunes, dried
2 md Apple; sliced
5 sl Bacon
Butter; as needed
1/2 c Butter
1/4 c Flour
3/4 c Beef or chicken broth
Salt; to taste
1 c Sour cream
4 tb Currant jelly


Soak goose in buttermilk at least 4 hours in refrigerator. Wash bird and
drain.  Stuff with prunes and apples. Truss and wrap in bacon. Cover
tightly with heavy duty foil. Bake until tender at 325 degrees F. for about
3 hours.  Baste with butter to brown. Sauce Melt butter in sauce pan. Stir
in flour with whisk. Add broth and heat stirring constantly. Just before
serving add sour cream and jelly.  Heat and serve. Note: Remove fruit from
goose before serving and arrange on platter around it.

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“The thankful heart sees the best part of every situation. It sees problems and weaknesses as opportunities, struggles as refining tools, and sinners as saints in progress. #Francis Frangipane”

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