Seafood, Grains Chinese Chinese, Seafood 6 Servings


2 lb Oily fish, such as mackerel
2 t Salt
1/2 c Good dry white wine
1/4 t Salt
1/2 t Ginger root, minced
4 Napa cabbage leaves
2 Scallions
2 Cubes hard bean curd
1 T Cooked salad oil
1/2 t Ground white pepper


MARINATING: have fish cleaned, discarding head & fins. Wash fish, cut
across fish in 1 1/2" sections. Mix salt and white wine in bowl. Add
fish chunks; rub with marinade; cover bowl; refrigerate for 6 hours.
After 2 hours, turn fish to mix with marinade.  PREPARATION: Wash
cabbage; slice leaves down middle, then in 2"  sections. Rinse bean
curd; cut into 1" cubes. Wash, trim and shred  scallions, greens and
all. Peel and mince ginger. Heat salad oil to  point of smoking. Remove
from heat.  COOKING: Rinse fish chunks, drain. Heat chicken stock, bean
curd,  ginger and salt in sauce pan. Reduce heat, cover pan, and simmer
for  10 minutes. When you are ready to add fish and cabbage, turn up
heat  to boil; add fish and cabbage when liquid boils; cover pan. Fish
and  cabbage are cooked in about 3 to 5 minutes - cabbage leaves will
be  bright lime green.  Ladle fish, cabbage and bean curd into warm
shallow serving bowl; add  soup. Garnish with cooked oil, minced
scallion and pepper. Serve.

A Message from our Provider:

“Shock your mom – go to church”

Nutrition (calculated from recipe ingredients)
Calories: 22
Calories From Fat: 20
Total Fat: 2.3g
Cholesterol: 0mg
Sodium: 873mg
Potassium: 15.4mg
Carbohydrates: <1g
Fiber: <1g
Sugar: <1g
Protein: <1g

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