1. To be without spot or blemish # Nu 19:2
  2. To ge given to Eleazar the second priest to offer # Nu 19:3
  3. To be slain without the camp # Nu 19:3
  4. Entire of, to be burned # Nu 19:5
  5. Blood of, sprinkled seven times before the tabernacle # Nu 19:4
  6. Cedar, hyssop, burned with # Nu 19:6
  7. Ashes of, collected and mixed with water for purification # Nu 19:9,11-22
  8. COMMUNICATED UNCLEANNESS TO 8a) The priest that offered her

    # Nu 19:7

8b) The man that burned her # Nu 19:8 8c) The man who gathered the ashes # Nu 19:10 9) Could only purify the flesh # Heb 9:13 10) A type of Christ # Heb 9:12-14