Renewing Strength RENEWING STRENGTH RB-09-6P Is. 41:1 (also 40:25-31 & 41:10-13)


  1. Many kinds of strength (physical, mental, spiritual) and all must be renewed
  2. Rivers run on and do not dry up because they are constantly being restored by melting snows and falling rains
  3. Wells do not run dry as long as the spring at the bottom is supplied with as much as is being taken out
  4. We cannot manufacture strenght–we only use what we take in
  5. The more we expend, the more we must receive
  7. Loss of Joy (Neh 8:10, “joy of the Lord is your strength”)
    1. See the starving on TV: none are happy
    2. Luke 9:32, Peter, James, & John almost missed the transfiguration because they were “heavy with sleep.”
  8. Loss of work
    1. Cannot work for lack of strength (Neh 4:10)
    2. Conserve strength for survival
    3. Luke 5:4,5, “Launch out into the deep…we have toiled…”
  9. Become sickly and die
    1. Downward spiral
      1. Resistance is low and sickness is more likely
      2. sickly do not desire food
    2. APATHY is a symptom of starvation (even spiritual starve)
  10. Values change when hungry
    1. Steal food to survive
    2. “Sin” seems to change definitions when we are weak


  1. Failure to intake (effects the “good” Christians)
    1. Those who work the hardest are most likely to suffer (Elijah)
    2. Called “burnout” in the secular world
      1. Herbert J. Freudenberger’s def.: “Someone in a state of fatigue or frustration brought about by devotion to a cause, way of life, or relationship that failed to produce the expected reward.”
      2. Must have had a fir before burnout can happen
      3. Burnout typically follows one of two events:
        1. Extended, unsuccessful efforts toward a goal
        2. An intense peak experience
    3. Too busy giving to receive
      1. Stop going to the table (devotions, prayer, church, etc)
      2. Stop feasting when at the table
  2. Lack of faith
    1. Disciples failed to cast out demon (Mk 9:18) and Jesus said, faithless generation.”
    2. Peter sinking in water (Mt. 14:31), “O thou of little faith”
    3. Two on road to Emmaus (Lu 24:25), “slow of heart to believe”
  3. But: If you have faith as a grain of mustard seed (easy to loose),

    then you may sit at the table and eat


  1. Recognize your need
    1. Samson “wist not” that the Spirit of God had departed.
    2. He had to “shake himself to determine that the power was gone
    3. Ps. 127:1, “Except the Lord build the house….”
  2. Come to Christ
    1. Ro. 5:6, “For when we were yet without strength in due time Christ died for the ungodly.”
    2. Jn. 15:5, “I am the vine, ye are the branches. He that abideth in me and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me, ye can do donthing.”
  3. WAIT ON GOD (eg., be patient)
    1. Is 40:29-31 (key word here is “wait”)
    2. Neh. 8:10