Renewing Strength RENEWING STRENGTH RB-09-6P Is. 41:1 (also 40:25-31 & 41:10-13)
- Many kinds of strength (physical, mental, spiritual) and all must be renewed
- Rivers run on and do not dry up because they are constantly being restored by melting snows and falling rains
- Wells do not run dry as long as the spring at the bottom is supplied with as much as is being taken out
- We cannot manufacture strenght–we only use what we take in
- The more we expend, the more we must receive
- Loss of Joy (Neh 8:10, “joy of the Lord is your strength”)
- See the starving on TV: none are happy
- Luke 9:32, Peter, James, & John almost missed the transfiguration because they were “heavy with sleep.”
- Loss of work
- Cannot work for lack of strength (Neh 4:10)
- Conserve strength for survival
- Luke 5:4,5, “Launch out into the deep…we have toiled…”
- Become sickly and die
- Downward spiral
- Resistance is low and sickness is more likely
- sickly do not desire food
- APATHY is a symptom of starvation (even spiritual starve)
- Downward spiral
- Values change when hungry
- Steal food to survive
- “Sin” seems to change definitions when we are weak
- Failure to intake (effects the “good” Christians)
- Those who work the hardest are most likely to suffer (Elijah)
- Called “burnout” in the secular world
- Herbert J. Freudenberger’s def.: “Someone in a state of fatigue or frustration brought about by devotion to a cause, way of life, or relationship that failed to produce the expected reward.”
- Must have had a fir before burnout can happen
- Burnout typically follows one of two events:
- Extended, unsuccessful efforts toward a goal
- An intense peak experience
- Too busy giving to receive
- Stop going to the table (devotions, prayer, church, etc)
- Stop feasting when at the table
- Lack of faith
- Disciples failed to cast out demon (Mk 9:18) and Jesus said, faithless generation.”
- Peter sinking in water (Mt. 14:31), “O thou of little faith”
- Two on road to Emmaus (Lu 24:25), “slow of heart to believe”
- But: If you have faith as a grain of mustard seed (easy to loose),
then you may sit at the table and eat
- Recognize your need
- Samson “wist not” that the Spirit of God had departed.
- He had to “shake himself to determine that the power was gone
- Ps. 127:1, “Except the Lord build the house….”
- Come to Christ
- Ro. 5:6, “For when we were yet without strength in due time Christ died for the ungodly.”
- Jn. 15:5, “I am the vine, ye are the branches. He that abideth in me and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me, ye can do donthing.”
- WAIT ON GOD (eg., be patient)
- Is 40:29-31 (key word here is “wait”)
- Neh. 8:10