God: "I looked for someone to take a stand for me, and stand in the gap" (Ezekiel 22:30)
From what I see in the Bible, God is far more concerned with first fixing our hearts than he is with fixing other things in our lives. Same sex attraction included. Yes, it's true that God hates homosexuality. But more than that, He hates that our hearts are opposed to Him and that we long to live our lives separated from Him. God's foremost desire is that we would come to Him through Christ to receive new hearts that love and adore Him. In fact, nothing can even begin to be done as far as the untangling of our sexualities until we receive new hearts that love and adore God. How do I know that? Because Romans 1 says that the whole reason homosexual desire even exists is due to our rejection of God's loving rule and authority over our lives. Homosexual desire - and all other sinful desire - exists in the hearts of people because worship of God doesn't (Matt Moore).
(Acts 17:30, 31.)
THERE is no discussion in the religious world of
the necessity of repentance. There
is, however, some misunderstanding as to the meaning
of the term. Let us study it in the light of its usage
in the Word. The Bible furnishes some very clear
illustrations of its meaning. In all the various pas-
sages where it occurs, the same meaning is conveyed
by the term. We will study the more important of
these passages.
1. Gen. 6 : 5-8. Man had grown extremely wicked
— so wicked that "it repented the Lord that he
had made man on the earth. " This is not to be
construed as if God had conceived regret over a false
step He had made, as does a man when he perceives he
has committed an error. It implies a complete change
of attitude towards the unfaithful race. Heretofore
He had been long-suffering; from that moment He
began to plan to bring a flood upon the world of the
ungodly, saving the only righteous man, Noah, and his
2. Ex. 13:17, 18. Why didn't God lead them
through the land of the Philistines? He knew they
lacked faith; and that, when brought face to face with
the warlike Philistines, they would likely turn back
into Egypt.
3. Ex. 32 : 1-14. The people erect and worship the
molten calf. The wrath of God. The prayer of Moses
(vs. 11-14). "The Lord repented of the evil which
he had thought to do unto his people." This does
not mean that He regretted His previous resolve to
destroy them, as His wrath had been just. It means
that He changed His attitude towards them. Where
He had hitherto been determined to punish, He was
now willing to forgive because of the intercession of
Moses. Again repentance means a complete change
of attitude.
4. Jer. 18:7-10. The attitude of God towards a
nation depends upon its righteousness. In these pas-
sages, repentance, in each case, means a complete
change of attitude.
5. Ps. 110 : 4. Repeated in Heb. 7 : 21. The Lord
has sworn that Jesus Christ shall be a High Priest
after the order of Melchizedek, and His attitude will
not be changed. He has willed it to be so; and the
resolution will not be changed.
6. Jer. 4 : 28. The Lord has spoken this and will
not turn from the decree. Repentance again means
a complete change of attitude.
7. Jonah and the Ninevites. This story is recorded
in the Book of Jonah. Type explained in Matt. 12: 39-
41. "The people of Nineveh repented at the preaching
of Jonah.' ' What did they do when they repented?
They turned from their evil way (Jonah 3:8). Re-
pentance is a complete turning from the evil way
(Acts 26:17, 18).
8. Matt. 27 : 3-5. The attitude of Judas was
changed. With an open confession of his sin, he
brought back the thirty pieces of silver. Had he
obeyed the gospel, he could have been saved. Instead
of doing that, however, "he went out and hanged
himself. ' '
9. 2 Cor. 7 : 9, 10. Repentance is not godly sor-
row — but godly sorrow causes repentance. The sorrow
which a man experiences over his sins causes him to
turn from the power of Satan unto God.
10. Rom. 2 : 4. God 's goodness is manifested in the
giving of His only begotten Son (John 3:16, 17).
The contemplation of this wonderful display of love
on the part of God, in spite of the exceeding sinful-
ness of humanity and the awfulness of sin, causes men
to turn from their evil ways.
We are commanded to bring forth "fruits meet
for repentance'' (Matt. 3:8; Acts 26:20). What are
some of the fruits of repentance? The truly penitent
man makes an open confession of his sin (Ps. 51:3,
4; Matt. 27:3, 4; Luke 15:21). Genuine repentance
is always accompanied by restitution (Matt. 5:23, 24;
Luke 19:8). To be genuine, it must result in a new
life (2 Cor. 5:17).
What, then, is repentance? A complete turning
from evil ways to righteousness (Isa. 1:16, 17; Heb.
6:1). The parable of the prodigal son is a splendid
example. He went far away from home; spent all
of his substance in riotous living; became poor and
wretched; got down so low that he had to go to
feeding swine, which was the most despicable thing
that a Jew could do. Finally, he came to his senses.
While sorrowing over his sins, he resolved to arise
and go back to his father, with an open confession
of his guilt, and implore the father's forgiveness. He
put the resolution into effect, and found the father
waiting to meet him with outstretched arms (Luke
15: 11-24).
Why should we repent? Because God commands
it (Acts 17:30). Because God has warned us time
and again that, unless we repent, we shall perish
(Luke 13:2, 3). Because God has been so good to us
that we ought to show Him our gratitude by lives of
service (Rom. 2:4; John 3:16). Because, unless we
are regenerated by the power of the gospel, unless we
have purified hearts, we can not enter heaven (Ps.
24:3, 4; Matt. 5:8; 1 Pet. 1:22).
The fate of the antediluvian world, of Sodom and
Gomorrah, of Tyre and Sidon, of Babylon and of Jeru-
salem. These repeated examples of the judgments of
God should cause every one to repent, and obey Him.
Hence, we close with the command of Peter, in stating
the Scriptural terms of pardon (Acts 2:38)