Page 31 Adam gets alone and lifts his eyes to the heavens and says, ,Lord, the wife that you gave me says that she doesn’t know which fruit to use to prepare a meal for us. Heaven is silent. Adam repeats the question. But still, there is only silence. After waiting fifteen minutes, Adam returns to Eve saying, ,The Lord didn’t respond to me, Honey-Buns. I went back over the commandment He gave me, and I guess you can pick whatever fruits you like so long as they didn’t come from the forbidden tree. Eve shrugs her shoulders and decides to use the peaches. Ten minutes pass and she calls for Adam again, ,Sweety-weety, I’ve got another question. How am I to prepare these peaches? I mean, should I peel them or leave them the way they are? Should I slice them, dice them, quarter them, bake them, make a pie out of them, make peach cobbler, mashed peaches, peach-bread, or a peach smoothie? Can you please ask God how I’m suppose to do this? Adam retorts, ,All right, fine. But I doubt He’ll answer me. Adam retreats to a place alone and beckons the Lord to answer his wife’s question. For the second time, Adam meets the silence of God. Suddenly, a thought arises in Adam’s unfallen mind. He thinks to himself, God is not answering me because I already know the answer! Let that statement marinate for a moment. Adam returns to Eve and says, ,Listen, Pumpkin. God isn’t
Our hopelessness and our helplessness are no barrier to (God’s) work. Indeed our utter incapacity is often the prop He delights to use for His next act… We are facing one of the principles of Yahweh's modus operandi. When His people are without strength, without resources, without hope, without human gimmicks – then He loves to stretch forth His hand from heaven. Once we see where God often begins we will understand how we may be encouraged.
Dale Ralph Davis